10 September 1936

14th Parliament · 1st Session

The Senate on the 22nd May, 1936, adjourned till a day and hour to be fixed and to be notified by the President to each honorable senator.

The Senate met at 3 p.m., pursuant to the notification of the President.

The President (Senator theHon. P. J. Lynch) took the chair, and read prayers.

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– I have to inform the Senate that, through the Prime Minister, I have received the following letter addressed by Lady Forster to His Excellency the Governor-General : -

Lepe House, fishery, Southampton, 15th April, 1936.

Dear Lord Gowrie,

I am deeply touched by your letter of 19th March, forwardingme the communication received from the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, conveying the sympathy of both Houses on the death of my husband, Lord Forster. The feeling which they express I know to be as genuine as was his affection for the great Commonwealth in which he was so proud to be the King’s representative.

I shall greatly value the bound copy of the speeches and the resolution which is to be forwarded later on.

Yours sincerely, Rachel Forster.

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– It is with very deep regret that I have to inform the Senate of the death of Senator William Carroll, which occurred on the 30th May, 1936. On behalf of honorable senators, and pending the more formal resolution of the Senate, I conveyed to Mrs. Carroll an expression of sympathy. A reply has been received expressing her appreciation and thanks for the message.

Minister for External Affairs · Western Australia · UAP

[3.5]. - by leave - I am sure that the news of Senator Carroll’s death was received by all honorable senators with profound sorrow. The late senator was for some time a member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia. In 1925 he was elected to the Senate as representative of Western Australia, and was re-elected in 1931. He was a Temporary Chairman of Committees for about four years, and was also a member of several select committees of this chamber. The deceased gentleman was personally endeared to us all.

Honorable Senators. - Hear, hear !


– His was a kindly nature, with many lovable qualities. We were all aware that, during the later years of his life he suffered a great deal from the illness to which, finally, he succumbed, and we all appreciated highly the spirit in which, while afflicted with failing health, he faithfully carried out his duties as a member of this chamber. I know of no occasion when he offended or hurt the feelings of his fellow senators, although he was .a man who held political views strongly and expressed them fearlessly. He had a high sense of public duty, but always was prepared to concede to the opinions of others that sincerity which he claimed for his own. His shrewd common sense combined with a vast store of humour made him a delightful companion and a kindly friend. Those of us who were associated with him feel his death very much indeed; we shall miss his genial personality. I am sure I voice the opinion of every honorable senator when I say that we extend to his wife and family our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. Whilst the death of every man who renders useful public service is a distinct loss to the community, the loss sustained by the widow and children is infinitely greater. I move -

That this Senate expresses its deep regret at the death of Senator William Carroll, a mem ber of the Commonwealth Parliament and a former member of the Western Australian Parliament, places on record its appreciation of his meritorious public services, and tenders its profound sympathy to his widow and family in their bereavement.


– In seconding the motion, I desire to say how entirely we of the Opposition agree with the remarks of the Leader of the Senate (Senator Pearce) in relation to the late Senator William Carroll. Although on many occasions I crossed political swords with our departed friend, I always admired his kindly and tolerant attitude, and was particularly impressed by the way in which he stuck to his work here long after it was obvious to all of us that he needed respite from those labours. The Opposition associates itself with the message of condolence to be sent to Mrs. Carroll and the family of the late honorable senator.

Senator HARDY:
New South Wales

– On behalf of the members of the United Country party I also desire to associate myself with the tribute which has been paid to the memory of the late Senator William Carroll, a man who, during his public life, worked unceasingly in the interests of the primary producers of his State and of the whole of the people of Australia. For a number of years Senator Carroll was the unofficial leader of the Country party in the Senate, in which capacity he proved to be a wise counsellor to those who served under him. His tact, diplomacy and general understanding helped his colleagues out of many difficult situations. The honorable senator’s personality was so distinguished by kindness and courtesy that his passing is regretted by not only the people of Western Australia, but also his many friends throughout the Commonwealth.

Western Australia

– I support the expressions of regret at the passing of Senator William Carroll which have been voiced by other honorable senators. It was my privilege to be associated with the late honorable senator for over 25 years, in the Country party movement of Western Australia, and in the Parliament of that State as well as in this Parliament. Senator Carroll, who was for some yean general secretary of the Primary Producers Association of Western Australia, served for a period in the Legislative Council of that State, and subsequently for nearly ten years he was a member of the National Parliament. Always a loyal friend and colleague, he possessed a delightful sense of humour; and although in later years he was in frail health, he remained to the end a faithful and consistent worker for Western Australia, and, indeed, for the Commonwealth, especially on behalf of the men and women on the land. My deepest sympathy goes out to his widow and family in their irreparable bereavement.


– Before submitting the motion to the Senate I wish to identify myself with the remarks of previous speakers in relation to the late Senator William Carroll. It was my great privilege to be acquainted with him for many years, from the time when he occupied a humble station in the western State, until, by slow degrees, his fellow citizens, recognizing his many qualities and advancing him from one position to another, finally chose him as their representative in this chamber. As has already been mentioned, Senator Carroll suffered severely in health during the closing years of his life; but at all times he exhibited great courage, sticking to his post through thick and thin, although -it would have been better for his health and personal comfort had he taken a rest, and left to others the duties which he continued to perform on behalf of those whom he represented in this chamber. Putting aside personal considerations the late honorable senator spent himself in the public interest, thus setting a noble example to others. It has been truly said that one must live with a person to know him thoroughly. Of our late colleague I can truthfully say that the better I knew him, the more I loved him. A keen student and faithful interpreter of matters of public interest, Senator Carroll was also a loyal comrade and good friend. Although we in this chamber feel a sense of loss at the passing of a friend and colleague, his death will’ be felt most by his devoted wife. We can only hope that, as time passes, the severity of the blow will be softened, and that she will find comfort in the knowledge that he whom we all mourn to-day left behind him a record of duty faithfully and courageously performed.

Question resolved in the affirmative, honorable senators standing in their places.

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New Senator

THE PRESIDENT.- I have to inform the Senate that, pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution, I notified the LieutenantGovernor of the State of Western Australia of the vacancy caused in the representation of that State by the death of Senator William Carroll, and I have received, through His Excellency the Governor-General, a certificate of the appointment of Thomas William Marwick as a senator to fill such vacancy.

Certificate laid on the table and read by the Clerk.

Senator Marwick made and subscribed the oath of allegiance.

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Minister for External Affairs · Western Australia · UAP

[3.17]. - by leave - I regret to inform honorable senators that a former member of the Senate, the Honorable Sir Albert Gould, died in Sydney on the 27 th July last, at the advanced age of 89. Sir Albert had a very lengthy parliamentary career, which commenced in 1882, when he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. He was a member of that chamber for sixteen years, and during that period was Minister for Justice on two occasions. It is interesting to recall that ho was associated with the late Sir Henry Parkes in his government. In April, 1899, the late honorable senator was appointed a member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, of which he remained a member until June, 1901. In that year he entered the Senate as a senator for the State of New South Wales, and was re-elected to that position at three subsequent general elections. He did not seek reelection in 1917. Sir Albert Gould attained the important office of President of the Senate in February, 1907, a position which he held until July, 1910. In 1908, His Majesty recognized his public services by creating him a Knight Bachelor. It was my great privilege to know Sir Albert well during our long association together in this chamber, ana I keenly regret the passing of such a worthy gentleman. He was known to us as , the possessor of unusual intellectual gifts, which he freely used in the performance of his public duties. His occupancy of the Presidency of the Senate was distinguished by the capable manner in which he performed the duties of that high office. He set a worthy standard for men in public life to follow, and I am sure that the recollection of his many admirable qualities of mind and heart will long be cherished by all who were fortunate enough to enjoy the privilege of his acquaintance. Our very sincere sympathy goes out to the members of his family in the great loss they have sustained. I move -

That this Senate expresses its deep regret at the death of Lieutenant-Colonel the Honorable Sir Albert John Gould, K.B., V.I)., a former member of the New South Wales- and Commonwealth Parliaments, and a former State Minister and President of the Senate, places on record its appreciation of his distinguished public service and tenders to the members of his family its profound sympathy in their bereavement.


– I second the motion, and associate myself and my colleagues with the remarks of the Leader of the Government (Senator Pearce) concerning the late Sir Albert Gould. I did not have the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with the late gentleman, but I know something of his distinguished public service. It is always a matter for regret when, in the passing of time, distinguished public men are called away, and I think a duty devolves upon us to place on record the service they have rendered to their country, and our sympathy with the bereaved relatives.

Senator HARDY:
New South Wales

.. i - On behalf of members of the United Country party, I support the motion. Like the Leader of the Opposition (Senator Collings), I did not have the opportunity of making the acquaintance of the deceased gentleman, but any one who is familiar with the history of the Commonwealth knows the distinguished part which the late Sir Albert Gould played in the early days of federation.

Senator ABBOTT:
New South Wales

– May I, for personal reasons, support the motion? I had the privilege of being closely associated with the late Sir Albert Gould on the council of one of the leading educational institutions in New South Wales, and I also knew him personally during his long career as a member of the Parliament of that State. Moreover, he was a close personal friend of my father, and I saw much of him on that account. He came from my own native district, the Upper Hunter, and as a young man, practising law at Singleton, established at a very early age a reputation for that uprightness and strength of character - I might say beauty of character - which characterized his long and honorable career.


– On hearing of the death of Sir Albert Gould, I conveyed to the members of his family the deep sympathy of honorable senators. The deceased gentleman occupied the position which I now hold, when I made my first appearance in the Senate as a political fledgling. During his occupancy of the high office of President of the Senate the late honorable gentleman set a high standard that will be difficult to equal. He made has first appearance in the Commonwealth Parliament as a distinguished parliamentarian of long experience under that great political chief and veteran statesman of Empire reputation, Sir Henry Parkes. He was possessed of rare qualifications for parliamentary service, and, working in conjunction with other eminent men who graced this Parliament at the inception of federation, raised the tone of the debates and the methods of conducting the business of this chamber to a very high level. The confidence reposed in him by his fellows over a long period testified to the rare qualities which he inherently possessed, and it is to be hoped that his career will serve as a pattern and stimulus to rising generations. By emulating the fine example which he set, they will help to preserve the high standard of parliamentary institutions, and so do much for the welfare and progress of this country.

Question resolved in the affirmative, honorable senators standing in their places.

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Minister for External Affairs · West ern Australia · UAP

[3.24]. - by leave - Since the Senate last met, yet another member of the first Federal Parliament has died. I refer to the Honorable Samuel Mauger. The late honorable gentleman was PostmasterGeneral in the Deakin Ministry during 1907 and 1908, and was an Honorary Minister during parts of 1906 and 1907. Commencing his parliamentary life as a member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria from 1899 to 1901, Mr. Mauger transferred to the federal sphere during the latter year as member for Melbourne Port3. He remained a member of the Commonwealth Parliament until 1910, and served on several select committee* and royal commissions. Outside of Parliament he was associated with many public movements, in all of which he was a very prominent member. The late Mr. Mauger leaves behind him a record of long and distinguished service in many movements organized with a view to the uplifting of humanity. On behalf of honorable senators, I tender to the members of his family our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. I move -

That this Senate expresses its deep regret at the death of the Honorable Samuel Mauger, a former member of the Victorian and Commonwealth Parliaments and Commonwealth Minister of State, places on record its appreciation of his meritorious public service, and tenders to his widow and family its sincere sympathy in their bereavement.


– I second the motion, and, on behalf of the Opposition, associate myself with the sentiments expressed by the Leader of the Government (Senator Pearce). I had not the privilege of personal contact with the late Mr. Mauger, but as a young man I knew of his wonderful public service, and admired him as a champion of those who, in those days, as at present, badly needed a champion, but sometimes failed to secure one. Again I say that it is our duty, as members of this chamber, to pay tribute to public men who have rendered distinguished service. The Opposition desires to be associated with the message of sympathy to the family of the deceased gentleman.

Senator HARDY:
New South Wales

– On behalf of members of the United Country party, I support the motion.

Question resolved in the affirmative, honorable senators standing in their places.

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Motion (by Senator Sir George Pearce) agreed to -

That the sitting of the Senate be suspended till 5 p.m. this day, as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Senator William Carroll.

Sitting suspended from 3.30 to 6 p.m.

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Minister for External Affairs · Western Australia · UAP

[5.1]. - by leave - Following the decision of the Privy Council in the James case, the Ministry has given the most careful consideration to the best course to be taken by the Commonwealth to safeguard the interests of primary production, the joint Commonwealth and

State schemes for the orderly marketing of primary products having been rendered unconstitutional as a result of the decision.

The Government feels that it is expressing the view of the large majority of the people when it says that it would be disastrous for Australia as a whole if the system of orderly marketing of a number of important primary products were allowed to lapse into chaos.

It is assisted in this conclusion by the fact that the Privy Council’s decision has disclosed a gravely anomalous position, i.e.j that there is no power in any Parliament, Commonwealth or State, to provide for1 the effective and stable control of marketing. This gap in the constitutional powers of the Parliaments can be filled only by popular vote at a referendum. Therefore, the Government has decided, after an exhaustive examination of all the possibilities, to seek an amendment of the Constitution. An announcement of its exact nature will be made to Parliament as soon as possible.

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.Minister for External Affairs · Western Australia · UAP

[5.2]. - I lay on the table -

Estimates of receipts and expenditure, and estimates of expenditure for additions, new works, buildings &c, for the year ending the 30th June, 1037.

The budget, 1036-37 - Papers presented by the Honorable K. G. Casey, D.S.O. M.P., on the occasion of the budget of 1936-37, and move -

That the papers be printed.

It has been the practice in the Senate on the day on which the budget is presented in the House of Representatives to submit this motion, and to make a short statement embracing the main features of the budget, so that honorable senators may have an opportunity to discuss the Government’s financial proposals simultaneously with the budget debate in the House of Representatives. That is a valuable procedure to adopt, although, of course, the bills to give effect to the main financial proposals embodied in the budget will later come before the Senate for its approval. Most of these are money bills which will have to be introduced in the House of Representatives, and will not come before this chamber until later in the session.

The Treasurer (Mr. Casey) presented the budget for 1936-37 in the House of Representatives this afternoon. In remarking on the continued improvement of the situation in Australia during the last twelve months, the Treasurer expressed the pleasure of the Government in being able to improve further the position of every section of the community. While not pretending that the Government can justly claim credit for all the improvement of which the budget is a convincing demonstration, because many factors which affect the prosperity of a community are quite beyond the control of governments, he claimed, on behalf of the Ministry, that its policy has had a very great influence in bringing about the desirable results reflected in his financial statement.

In 1935-36, revenue amounted to £82,203,341 and expenditure to £78,635,621, the excess of receipts over expenditure being £3,568,000. The principal increases of revenue were -

In the Postmaster-General’s Department, the revenue exceeded the estimate by £165,000, while the expenditure was £22,000 below the estimate, a net improvement of £187,000.

Increases of expenditure over the estimate were, apart from small variations, as follows :- Federal aic! roads, £279,000 - which was offset by increased revenue from the petrol tax - and relief to primary producers, £1,275,000.

Of the total expenditure of £78,635,000, major services of an inescapable nature absorbed £55,237,000, the gross cost of administration of business undertakings and territories was £16,311,000, wheat relief and like payments to primary producers cost £2,450,000, and all other federal expenditure, including administration of all ordinary departments, cost of Parliament, &c, amounted to £4,637,000.

Conversions of Commonwealth loans in London since October, 1932, now amount to £198,513,000, and the average rate on the loans dealt with has decreased from £5 Os. lid. per cent, to an average of £3 10s. 2d. per cent. The conversions of London indebtedness carried out with such success by the High Commissioner, during the last four years have resulted in a saving in respect of interest and exchange of approximately £4,000,000 per annum, of which £850,000 accrues to the Commonwealth and £3,150,000 to the States.

Since the national debt conversion in July, 1931, eight new loans have been floated in Australia amounting to £S3,546,000, of which £9,429,000 was for the Commonwealth and £74,117,000 for the States. On the average of the last four financial years, the Commonwealth has not claimed the 20 per cent, of loan moneys to which it is entitled under the Financial Agreement. The average taken has been 11.3 per cent. The policy of the Commonwealth has been to keep its loan requirements to a minimum in order to allow State governments as free access as is possible to the loan market.

For the year 1936-37, the Government once more presents a balanced budget.

From the time that it became apparent there would be a substantial excess of receipts over expenditure in the Commonwealth accounts for 1935-36, the Government has not been without requests and advice from various sections of the public on the subject of its future financial policy. The Government has given consideration to all the proposals, and has endeavoured to do what it considered would be the most likely to benefit Australia as a whole.

Notwithstanding the increased sum of £1,336,000 required from revenue for the development of defence and the growing cost of old-age pensions, the budget provides for remission of taxes to the amount of £5,275,000 in a full year and for other new expenditure proposals costing £1,220,000 in a full year. In the present year these revenue remissions will cost £3,868,000 while the expenditure proposals, including defence, will cost £2,311,000. The total cost of the revenue remissions and expenditure proposals in the present budget is £6,179,000.

It is proposed to reduce sales tax from 5 per cent, to 4 per cent., involving a loss of £2,000,000 per annum, while further exemptions to an annual value of £1,000,000 will be provided for.

Certain remissions of primage duty are proposed, amounting to £128,000 in. the current year.

In regard to income taxation the Government proposes to abolish the special property tax of 5 per cent. In 1930-31 the rate of this special tax wai 10 per cent. In 1933-34 it was reduced to 6 per cent, and last year to 5 per cent. The cost of abolishing this special tax will be £1,300,000 for a full year. In addition, the Government proposes to reduce the rates of normal income tax on individuals by 10 per cent, in respect of both income from personal exertion and income from property. This will cost £435,000 for a full year.

The proposals for the remission of taxes may be summarized as follows: -

The third annual report of the Commonwealth Grants Commission, which is being tabled to-day, contains recommendations for payments to certain States in 1936-37. The following is a comparison of the amounts recommended for this year, with the sums paid in 1935-36: -

The total amount to be paid this year will be £320,000 less than the amount paid last year, although it will still be in excess of the 1934-35 grant. The Government proposes to seek parliamentary approval for these grants.

The present federal aid roads agreement between the Commonwealth and the States, which will expire on the 31st December next, will be renewed for six months, and proposals will be submitted to Parliament for new agreements with the States to cover a further period of ten years from the 1st July, 1937. It is proposed that these new agreements shall provide, on existing terms and conditions, for payment to the States of 3d. a gallon on petrol imported and 2d. a gallon on excise petrol, that is, an increase of £d. a gallon in each case over the present rates. In addition, a further $d. a gallon of customs .and excise duties will be made available for the sama period for the purposes of roads, works, or forestry.

At the 30th June, 1936, there were 287,235 invalid and old-age pensions in force, an increase of 13,257 during the twelve months. The total expenditure in 1935-36 amounted to approximately £12,800,000, which is the highest amount expended in any one year since the inception of the scheme in 1909. It is proposed to increase the present maximum rate of 18s. a week to 19s. a week, at an estimated annual cost of £760,000. The estimated total expenditure for the present financial year on invalid and old-age pensions is £13,980,000.

In regard to maternity allowances, it is intended to liberalize the law by providing for payment of an allowance of £4 10s. for the first child and £5 in every case in which there is any previous surviving issue under the age of fourteen years. The present scale is £4 for tha first child to those with an income not exceeding £208 per annum, the payments increasing according to the number of surviving children under fourteen years of age, up to a maximum payment of £5. The Government proposes to increase tha amount of allowable income from £208 to £221 in cases where there is no previous surviving issue, and to allow a corresponding increase throughout the existing income scale with a maximum income of £312 per annum.

The Government has decided to increase the rate of service pensions for certain classes of ex-members of the Australian Imperial Force by ls. a week, to increase by ls. 6d. a week the pensions to children of incapacitated soldiers and to make several other minor concessions to remove anomalies in the existing legislation. The estimated annual cost of these additional concessions is £162,000.

In 1931, the salaries of Commonwealth employees were subjected, by the Financial Emergency Act, to reductions, as part of the plan for the rehabilitation of Government finances. In view of the general improvement of Commonwealth finances, it is now proposed completely to restore the salaries of all Commonwealth employees to the normal rates. “Where the salaries of. employees are, under ordinary legislation, subject to automatic adjustment in accordance with cost of living variations, such adjustments will continue to operate. The present cost of living reductions, as compared with the 1930 standard, total approximately £1,300,000 per annum, and will, as stated, continue to operate. The cost of this restoration in respect of the Public Service and other Commonwealth employees will be £97,000 for a full year, and £74,000 for the current year.

In respect of allowances to members of Parliament and salaries of Ministers, a partial restoration will be made, equal to 10 per cent, of the normal rate. The reductions then operating will be -

The cost of this partial restoration will he £10,000 for the current year, and £13,000 for the full year.

The trend of recent international events has emphasized the importance of national defence, and the Commonwealth has no alternative, in the present state of the world, but to review our defences and provide necessary safeguards. The defence vote this year will be the highest in the history of the Commonwealth; but it is essential constantly to bear in mind that the burden entailed by preparedness is small in comparison with the human and monetary cost of war. The Government is making provision in this financial year, not only for the amount required for the final stage of the three-year programme, but also for £1,480,000 for the commencement of a new programme.

The increasing provision for defence in recent years is shown in the following table : -

The Government has decided to grant an export bounty of 2s. a case of oranges shipped to countries other than New Zealand during the 1936 season. The cost is estimated at £4,500. An additional £80,000 will alsobe provided in 1936-37 to assist growers of apples and pears.

The cost of the principal new expenditure proposals in 1956-37 may be summarized as follows: -

The total proposed expenditure for works 1936-37 is £5,346,000, of which £4,176,000 will be provided from revenue and £1,170,000 from loan. This represents an increase of £1,306,000 over last year. In addition, £2,338,000 will be provided for assistance to the States for unemployment relief works, farmers’ debt adjustment, &c.

The estimated budget results for 1936-37 may be summarized as follows : -

Debate (on motion by Senator COL- lings) adjourned.

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The following papers were presented : -

Nauru - Errata in connexion with report to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Nauru during the year 1935, laid on the Table of the Senate on 22nd May, 1936, and ordered to be printed.

Census and Statistics Act - Regulations amended- Statutory Rules 1936, No. 109.

Commonwealth Bank Act - Regulation amended - Statutory Rules 1930, No. 71.

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act - Third Report of the Commonwealth Grants Commission, dated16th July, 1936, on the implications made in 1936-37 by the States of South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania, for Financial Assistance from the Commonwealth under Section 96 of the Constitution.

Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 72.

Commonwealth Public Service Act -

Appointments - Department of -

Attorney -General - J. R. Crawford, G. Henshilwood, R. R. Mitchell, J. T. Stephenson, G. H. Rance and S. J. Watson.

Commerce - A. N. Boulton.

Health - J. J. Gard, J. J. Lawrence, H. D. M. L. Murray, J. S. Wannan and A. M. Andrews.

Interior - W. G.Draper.

Trade and Customs - E. H. Poster.

Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 76- No. 88- No. 106.

Commonwealth . Railways Act - By-law No. 70.

Defence Act - Regulations amended, &c. - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 75 - No. 98 - No. 100- No.111- No. 112- No. 117.

Income Tax Assessment Act - Regulations - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 94.

Lands Acquisition Act - Land acquired at - Campbellfield, Victoria– For Quarantine purposes.

Darlinghurst, New South Wales - For Telegraphic, telephonic, and other like services.

Darwin, Northern Territory - For Defence purposes.

Kalgoorlie, Western Australia - For Postal, telegraphic, telephonic, and other like services.

Pcndle Hill, New South Wales - For Postal purposes.

Rottnest Island, Western Australia - For Defence purposes (2).

Saddleworth, South Australia, - For Postal purposes.

Naval Defence Act - Regulations amended, Ac- Statutory Rules 1936. No. 70- No. 77- No. 78- No. 79- No. 107- No. 110- No. 118- No. 119.

New Guinea Act -

Ordinance No. 41 of 1935 - Uncontrolled Areas.

Ordinances of 1936 -

No. 1 - Appropriation (No. 2) 1935-1936.

No. 2 - Poor Persons’ Legal Assistance.

No. 3 - Hire-purchase Agreements.

No. 4 - Customs.

No.5 - Marriage.

No. 6 - Probate and Administration.

No. 7 - Tenements Recovery.

No. 8 - Superannuation.

No. 9 - Customs Tariff.

No. 10 - Motor Traffic.

No. 11 - Maintenance Orders (New Zealand) (Facilities for Enforcement).

No. 12 - New Guinea Antiquities,

No. 13 - Judiciary.

No. 14 - Mortgagors’ Relief.

No. 15 - Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement).

No. 16 - Liquor.

No. 17 - Public Service.

No. 18 - Lands Registration.

No. 19 - Companies.

No. 20 - Cemeteries.

No. 21 - Criminal Code Amendment.

No. 22- Supply 1936-1937.

No. 23 - Status of Married Women.

No. 24 - Laws Repeal and Adopting.

No. 25 - Instruments.

No. 26 - Adoption of Children.

No. 27 - Mines and Works Regulation.

No. 28- Petroleum.

No. 29 - Native Labour.

No. 30 - Mining.

No. 31 - Shipping.

Northern Territory Acceptance Act and Nor thern Territory (Administration) Act - Ordinances of 1936 -

No. 6 - Licensing.

No. 7 - Mining (Validation).

No. 8 - Weights and Measures.

No. 9 - Supreme Court.

Papua Act - Infirm and Destitute Natives’

Account - Statement of Transactions of the Trustees for the year ended 30th June, 1936.

Seat of Government Acceptance Act and Seat of Government (Administration) Act - Ordinances of 1936 -

No. 18 - Bank Holidays.

No. 19 - Queanbeyan Lease.

No. 20 - Careless Use of Fire.

No. 21 - Canberra University College.

No. 22 - Hospital Tax.

No. 23 - Companies (Investigation of Affairs).

No. 24 - ‘Poisons and Dangerous Drugs.

No. 25 - Companies (Investigation of Affairs) (No. 2).

No. 26 - Liquor.

No. 27 - Fish Protection.

No. 28 - Juvenile Offenders (Detention ) .

No. 29 - Leases.

No. 30 - Land Valuation.

No. 31 - City Area Leases.

No. 32 - Industrial Board (No. 2).

No. 33 - Advisory Council.

No. 34 - Queanbeyan Water Supply.

No. 35 - Plant Diseases.

Building and Services Ordinance–

Regulations amended.

City Area Leases Ordinance - Regulations.

Hospital Tax Ordinance - Regulations. Industrial Board Ordinance - Regular tions.

Police Ordinance - Regulations amended. Stock Ordinance - Regulations.

Treaty of Peace (Germany) Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1930, No. 83.

Wool Tax Assessment Act - Regulations - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 95.

Australian Soldiers’ Repatriation Act - War Pensions Entitlement Appeal Tribunal - Report for year ended 30th June, 1930.

Customs Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1930, No.69- -No. 80- No. 87 -No. 92- No. 97- No. 103- No. 104.

Excise Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 99.

Flax and Linseed Bounties Act - Return for 1935-36.

Iron and Steel Products Bounty Act - Return for 1935-36.

Papua and New Guinea Bounties. Act - Return for 1935-30.

Post and Telegraph Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 113.

Raw Cotton Bounty Act - Return for 1935-36.

Sulphur Bounty Act - Return for 1935-30.

War Service Homes Act -

Supplemental Agreement, dated 1st May, 1936. between the War Service Homes Commissioner and the State of Western Australia, for the purpose of increasing the charges to be made by the State in respect of certain work to be performed under the previous arrangement.

Regulations - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 74.

Wine Export Bounty Act - Return for 1935-36.

Wireless Telegraph v Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 90.

Apple and Pear Bounty Act - Regulations - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 64.

Bankruptcy Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 101.

Customs Act and Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 66 - No. 85.

Dairy Produce Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 65.

Dairy Produce Export Charges Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 108.

Dairy Produce Export Control Act - Regulations - Statutory Rules 1936 - No. 102.

Meat Export Control Act - Regulations amended, &c. - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 84- No.91.

Navigation Act - Regulations - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 81.

Patents Act - Regulations amended- Statutory Rules 1936, No. 89.

Quarantine Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 82 - No. 93.

Seamen’s Compensation Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 73.

Transport Workers Act - Regulations amended - Statutory Rules 1936, No. 80 - No. 105.

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Senator BROWN:

– I ask the Minister representing the Prime Minister if, in fa recent tariff action against the United

States of America and Japan, the Government was influenced by any representations made by the Government of Great Britain, or by any British textile company or trade organization?


– The honorable senator well knows that it is not the practice to make statements of Government policy in answer to questions. The honorable gentleman will have a full opportunity to discuss the matter in the debate on measures which will be brought before the Senate shortly.

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Senator BROWN:

– I ask the Minister representing the Minister for Trade and Customs, who returned recently . from a visit to the Mandated Territory and the northern portion of Australia, whether a report has been made concerning his investigations into the reported raiding of Australian fishing grounds by Japanese sampans, and if so, will the Government make the report available to honorable senators?

Senator SIR GEORGE PEARCE.Naturally, when a Minister visits the Mandated Territory of New Guinea and Papua, he furnishes to the Minister responsible for their administration a full report of his observations. Such reports are intended for Ministers, and are not available for publication.

Senator BROWN:

– The people in Queensland are deeply interested in what is happening up north, and all I ask is that if a report has been made by the Minister for Trade and Customs relating to the presence of Japanese sampans in North Australian waters, it shall be made available to members of this chamber.

Senator SIR GEORGE PEARCE.Reports made by one Minister to another are not intended for publication.

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– Is the Government of the opinion that the danger zone of future wars is the Pacific, and that Japan is Australia’s potential enemy there? If so, will it take steps to prevent the export of any further supplies of iron ore from Yampi Sound, or of any ore or scrap iron from any part of the Commonwealth, to Japan?

Senator SIR GEORGE PEARCE.It is extremely inadvisable to suggest, even by way of a question, that Australia has any potential enemies in the Pacific. We trust that all the nations of the Pacific are now, and will continue to be, our friends. If the honorable senator wishes to seek the opinion of the Government regarding .the advisability or otherwise of prohibiting the export of iron ore, or of scrap iron, I suggest that he frame a question without naming any particular country as the destination of the materials. If the question be asked in its present form the Government will refuse to say that Japan or any other country is Australia’s potential enemy.

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Assent to the following bills reported : -

Wireless Telegraphy Bill 1030. Removal of Prisoners (Territories) Bill 1935.

States Grants (Local Public Works) Bill 1936.

Appropriation (Unemployment Belief) Bill 1936.

Customs Tariff 1036.

Customs Tariff (Exchange Adjustment) Bill 1936.

Customs Tariff (Canadian Preference) 1936. Excise Tariff 1036.

Supplementary Appropriation Bill 1034-35. Supplementary Appropriation (Works and

Buildings) Bill 1034-35. ‘

War Pensions Appropriation Bill 1930. SupplY Bill (No. 1) 1936-37. Wool Tax Assessment Bill 1930. Wool Tax Bill 1936. Wool Publicity and Research Bill 1038. Petroleum Oil Search Bill 1936. Dairy Produce Export Control Bill 1936. Income Tax Assessment Bill 1038.

Senate adjourned at 5.15 p.m.

Cite as: Australia, Senate, Debates, 10 September 1936, viewed 22 October 2017, <>.